AI Pitch Deck & Video Analysis

Our AI Pitch Deck & Video Analysis tool “digitally cracks” a video, deconstructs every data element from it, and makes an early fundability prediction.  This disruptive technology will open up the aperture of your pipeline increasing the quantity of your dealflow while simultaneously increasing the quality of your dealflow.  This will save you time and resources, while scaling your workflow.  It also can assess the human judge sentiment on an individual and group basis, vital information for all parties involved. 

Learn more about our Beta Customer Program
Our Beta Customer Program is intended for those customers who would like the opportunity to shape the direction of Haystax. It is limited to 2-3 customers in each segment.

Beta Customers will receive white glove support. We will train you and join your first few pitch events to ensure there are no technical issues. At least 2 formal feedback meetings will be scheduled during the Beta program.

Beta customers must be willing to be patient and provide feedback in a constructive manner. Beta customers must be willing to give a video testimonial, be a reference and case study.